
DocuSign E-Signature Module

A campus-supported software tool that automates electronic signatures, document routing, and storage. Admin IT Digital Innovation manages the user accounts and access for all units within Finance, Operations, and Administration.

Do I need a DocuSign Account?
  • Document signers can log in at any time.
  • Document senders require a managed account. Managed accounts are administered by your department's Authorized DocuSign Representative (ADR). To find your ADR visit,
Policies & Guidelines
  • Campus uses must utilize a single sign-on option (Company Login) to access DocuSign
  • DocuSign can be used for research purposes.
  • DocuSign is not currently supported for Healthcare purposes
  • DocuSign can only be used through the UC Davis license by those who operate under a “3” or “S” chart account.
  • DocuSign meets the California requirements for electronic signatures. This means that non-FDA, non-FERPA regulated studies can use the UC Davis DocuSign license to obtain electronic consent.
  • DocuSign is FERPA compliant; however, researchers who are using FERPA protected data should not use the UC Davis DocuSign license to conduct electronic consent.