Microsoft Office Blog Posts

Upgrade to the Microsoft 365 version of Office

The Microsoft 365 version of Office is now available for installation via the UC Davis Self-Service Application.

Admin IT Client Services is already installing this version of Office on new computers. To see which version of Office you are running, in any Office application such as Outlook, go to File > Office account.

Save Common Mailbox Searches with Search Folders

If you receive large volumes of email throughout the day, it’s likely that you rely heavily on Outlook’s search functions to find specific emails. Instead of regularly repeating common searches, you may save yourself time by saving your search as a ‘Search Folder.’

Rate Your Document's Readability

How you write can vary a lot, depending on your intended audience. Lengthy words and complex sentence structures may suffice for an audience of academics, while other occasions may require the text to be readable to as many people as possible.

PowerPoint Tools and Shortcuts for Presentation Mode

While in presentation mode, PowerPoint provides a number of tools to help presenters capture and redirect audience attention. Beyond simply stepping through slides, PowerPoint has a number of tools and shortcuts that can mark slides, zoom in on points of interest, or blank the screen so that the presenter can shift focus away from the screen itself.

Copy and Paste Formatted Text

Keep text copied from web pages consistent with your document’s formatting by choosing the paste method that’s right for you by selecting one of these options when right-clicking to paste text.