
Send an Email from Outlook Using an Alternate Email Address - Windows

Occasionally a need arises to send email from a group or alternate email address.  These simple instructions will help you configure your Outlook email client to show email as being sent from another address. This can only be done if your email account has been granted permission to send as the email address that you want to send an email from

1. Open a new Email






2. The "From" field should be visible above the "To…" field.  





3. If the "From" field is not showing, please toggle it on by going to the Options tab and clicking on the "From" icon in the ribbon.






4. Select the sending address by clicking on the "From" button.  If you have previously sent from another email address you will see it listed here. You can remove email addresses from the list by clicking the "X" to the right of the address in the list.








5. If this is your first time sending from this other address or you have previously removed it from the list, you need to select "Other E-mail Address..." 






6. Click the "From..." button and select the sending email address from the Global Address List (GAL).   Search for the email address you'd like to send from and click "OK"

7. Your entry that you selected from the address book should be entered into the field within the "From" window, click the "OK" button.






8. You should see the new sending address reflected in the "From" field within the email editor.  Compose your email as normal and send it after you have finished composing.






 Note: You may want to remove (delete) your default signature from the email being sent by the other email account.

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