How to Connect to the FOA VPN from Windows

Decorative image.

How to Connect to the FOA VPN from Windows

Applies to: Windows only

Follow these instructions to connect to the FOA VPN from Windows.

Connecting to the FOA VPN requires specific account permissions. If not done already, please contact for assistance.

In order to connect to the FOA VPN, the Ivanti Secure Access Client software is required. If you do not already have that software installed, you may refer to this article and select the Ivanti Secure Acces Client software offer to install it onto your computer: How to Install Software via IBM BigFix Self-Service


In your task tray, find the Ivanti Secure Access icon, click on it, hover over FOA VPN, and then click Connect.

Gray Ivanti Icon


Ivanti VPN from Windows Tray


FOA VPN from Windows Task tray



When connecting to the FOA VPN, you will be prompted for your email address (your email address should be remembered for future connections).

Microsoft Login Page



At the UC Davis ADFS Sign in page, enter your information as follows.
User Name: your-email
Password: your-normal-computing-passphrase

UC Davis Logo on a Login Page




Next is the DUO authentication portion:

If you have the DUO smartphone app registered as your DUO authentication device, accept the automatic push notification sent to your device.

If you have a DUO hardware token registered as your DUO authentication device, enter your DUO secondary password from that device.

Select Other Options for other available DUO authentication methods.

Ivanti VPN DUO Push Window

After the Duo push, you may choose "Yes, this is my device" and your connection details will be remembered for 14 days. Choosing this option should expedite future connections to the FOA VPN.

DUO Remember Device


Once the connection is established, you will see the following:

Windows Ivanti VPN Connected

Primary Category

Secondary Categories

Security Windows
